H O M E     A B O U T   D E S    C A L L   F O R   C O N T R I B U T I O N S     C O M M I T T E E S     P R O G R A M     [ I N F O   F O R   A U T H O R S ]
R E G I S T R A T I O N     H O T E L S     V E N U E & T R A V E L     S P O N S O R S     S E C R E T A R I A T

Welcome Authors!
Instructions for presenters at WODES'06:
  • Please limit your presentations to 20 minutes to allow sufficient time for questions and laptop turnover.
  • Each room is equipped with an LCD projector. It is expected that presenters will bring their own laptop computers.
  • If you have other audio-visual needs, please contact Beth Lawson (blawson@eecs.umich.edu) immediately.

All papers submitted to WODES 2006 for review and publication after acceptance must be formatted in the standard 2-column IEEE format and must pass the IEEE PDF-compliance test on the conference submission system.

For PUBLICATION in the Proceedings, accepted regular papers are limited to six (6) pages unless an overlength fee is paid. Up to two extra pages will be allowed at a cost of $100 per extra page. Invited papers for the Tools Sessions are limited to two (2) pages.

Final submissions of accepted papers must be done electronically through the conference submission system PaperCept at URL https://conf.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl by May 15.

  • Technical support is available on PaperCept (follow the link to "Support" at the top of the PaperCept web page);

  • One of the co-authors must be registered (full registration) before the paper can be uploaded. Papercept will link you to the registration site in the final submission process. Copyright forms also need to be completed (electronically) at that time.

Questions or problems? Please send email to wodes2006@eecs.umich.edu