The Technical Program is available at the URL
Program Highlights:
July 9, Sunday:
Enjoy the final match of the 2006 World Cup of Soccer with other conference attendees at
Buffalo Wild Wings
205 South State Street (walking distance from hotels and Rackham)
During the conference:
July 10,
Welcome reception on the North Campus of the University. Transportation will be provided:
                        - departure 5:45pm from Rackham building;
                        - return at 7:15pm.
Optional: Gourmet Dinner Trek (after Welcome reception, for those interested.)
                        - departure 7:15pm CSE building on North Campus;
                        - ends in downtown Ann Arbor (near hotels);
                        - cost: US$25, including dinner and dessert.
                        Bring confortable walking shoes.
July 11,
Conference banquet at the Ballroom of the
Michigan League
. Live entertainment during and after dinner.
Have you ever traveled to a new city and wished you could explore
with a local? Here is your chance. On Monday July 10, Heather
O'Neal, Ann Arbor native and Of Global Interest Adventure Travel tour
guide, will lead a "Gourmet Dinner Trek" around town. This six mile
(10km) hike will start at 7:15pm after the Welcome Reception (CSE
building on North Campus) and end in downtown Ann Arbor (near the
Rackham building and Campus Inn Hotel). Enjoy a few of Ann Arbor's
wonderful green spaces while walking along the Huron River. The
group will stop for dinner and dessert at picnic tables along the
way. Bring comfortable walking shoes, a jacket, water or another
beverage of your choice. $25 includes dinner and dessert. Meet
Heather and sign up for this adventure at 12:30 during lunch at the
conference on Monday. If there is significant rain the trek will be
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| Partial Order Techniques for Distributed Discrete Event Systems
Dr. Albert Benveniste
IRISA / INRIA, Rennes, France
Telecom networks and services, Web services, and more generally information
systems management are becoming huge distributed DES. Such DES are subject to
problems of algorithmic nature, including: fault monitoring and alarm
correlation, QoS monitoring and negotiation, security monitoring,
reconfiguration, and more.
Corresponding algorithms must address fundamental issues of distribution,
asynchrony, and dynamicity. Partial order techniques offer powerful tools such
as Petri net systems, event structures, unfoldings, and graph grammars.
Computational data structures can be manipulated in a modular and distributed
way, by using proper categorical framework. I shall discuss these matters,
with emphazis on the problem of distributed and asynchronous fault diagnosis.
Finally, I shall report on the advances of an exploratory development that is
currently ongoing jointly with two Alcatel business divisions.
This is reporting on team work by Eric Fabre, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard, and
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| Event-Based Stochastic Learning and Optimization Prof. Xi-Ren Cao University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
In many modern engineering systems, control actions are taken only when
some events occur. In networking admission control, an action (accept or
reject) is taken only when a new packet arrives; in power control of
wireless communication where a mobile device travels among regions with
different transmission environments, a decision (transmission rate) is
made only when the mobile device enters a new region; in an inventory
problem with delayed information, decision depends on the partially
observed information which can also be viewed as events; in a flexible
manufacturing system, actions (which work piece to process next) are
taken only when a work piece is completed. The traditional Markov
decision process (MDP) model does not fit these problems well and may
unnecessarily suffer from the .curse-of-dimensionality. issue.
Performance optimization of such problems can be solved by an
event-based approach. This approach involves three main topics:
The talk presents a brief introduction to the above topics and discusses pros and cons of this new approach.
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| Analyzing Security Protocols Using Probabilistic I/O Automata Prof. Nancy LynchMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
This talk will describe a new version of Probabilistic I/O Automata, a
discrete event system modeling framework originally defined by Segala.
In a PIOA, a discrete transition may result in a probabilistic choice
of the next state.
Nondeterministic choices of transitions are also allowed.
In the new version of PIOAs, which we call ``task-PIOAs'', the
nondeterministic choices of transitions are resolved by a simple
schedule of ``tasks''; each task is a set of possible actions, of
which at most one is enabled from any state.
The new model has pleasant properties involving composition and levels
of abstraction.
The talk will then go on to describe how task-PIOAs can be used to
model and prove correctness of standard security protocols, including
complex aspects of the protocols involving limitations on
computational power.
Based on joint work with Ran Canetti, Ling Cheung, Dilsun Kaynar,
Moses Liskov, Olivier Pereira, and Roberto Segala