H O M E     A B O U T  D E S    C A L L   F O R   C O N T R I B U T I O N S     C O M M I T T E E S     P R O G R A M     I N F O   F O R   A U T H O R S
R E G I S T R A T I O N     [ H O T E L S ]     V E N U E & T R A V E L     S P O N S O R S     S E C R E T A R I A T


The links below will take you to the Ann Arbor Area Convention and Visitors Bureau's web site, which has an extensive list of accommodations available in Ann Arbor, as well as other useful information for visitors. Please note however that not all the accommodations there are within walking distance from the conference location.
Enjoy the Ann Arbor area
Visit Detroit
Traveling in the state of Michigan
Traveling outside Michigan
Visit Canada(inquire in case you need a visa)
The Henry Ford Museum 
The Detroit Institute of Arts
The Ann Arbor Summer Festival (June 16th to July 9th)
FIFA World Cup, Final match on July, 9th!
Come to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game. A special area will be reserved for all WODES participants interested on watching the game in the big screen.