H O M E     A B O U T  D E S    C A L L   F O R   C O N T R I B U T I O N S     C O M M I T T E E S     P R O G R A M     I N F O   F O R   A U T H O R S
[ R E G I S T R A T I O N ]     H O T E L S     V E N U E & T R A V E L     S P O N S O R S     S E C R E T A R I A T
Registration of University of Michigan students, faculty and staff


1) Register at the Papercept website and get a PIN number.

2) Send an email to Beth Lawson (blawson@eecs.umich.edu) with your name and PIN number. Beth will enable your registration status to be "UofM students and faculty" in the registration system and send you an email confirming it.

3) After receiving the email from Beth, go to the registration site, select WODES as the conference and log in with your PIN and password. Then, click the blue link "Register now", proceed with registration and select preferences. At the end of the registration process you should receive a confirmation number.